What is an IDP?

An Internal Developer Platform (IDP) is a comprehensive infrastructure that provides development teams within an organization with a unified, self-service environment for software development and deployment. It encompasses compliance by ensuring that all development processes adhere to the policies the company has.

Our IDP has different features for complete this, we are in charge of giving you this features to make your live easier. You are going to be able of developing faster and have a better infraestructure. Try it!

What does it mean enviorments as a cattle for us?

We have our software prepared for creating and deleting environments. Our objective is to provide you with a range of features that enable you to have the control, security, and compliance for your application in Kubernetes. Check out our features!


Our Features

We use only tools the that are in CNCF landscape


K8s platforms speed up internal compliance through consistent pipelines and standardized policies across environments. We enforce a unified development and deployment process, ensuring that performance and integrated. From development to production, our platform maintains uniformity, reducing risks and facilitating compliance audits. With k8s platforms, you can count on a consistent, efficient, and compliant development cycle that spans all your environments.


Unlock enhanced observability with our IDP. We provide real-time traces for monitoring request flow and performance bottlenecks. Detailed logs offer deep insights into application behavior and debugging. Precise metrics empower you to monitor key performance indicators. With our IDP, you'll have the tools to gain a comprehensive view of your applications, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.


Unleash exceptional scalability with our Internal Developer Platform (IDP). We prioritize high scalability, driven by a multi-metric approach. Our system monitors critical metrics, including resource utilization, traffic patterns, and demand fluctuations. With real-time analysis, we dynamically adapt resources to accommodate growth seamlessly. Our IDP ensures that your applications effortlessly scale up or down, meeting evolving needs without disruption. Experience a flexible and robust environment, equipped to handle any level of demand.


In our Internal Developer Platform, we seamlessly integrate both Continuous Integration and Continuous Development. Our CI process leverages Jenkins pipelines, enabling the incorporation of vital metrics from our QA automation tests. For Continuous Development, we've adopted GitOps methodology, with ArgoCD as our chosen tool for managing the deployments.


We employ a suite of robust tools to safeguard your environment, including secure storage of secrets in Infisical, a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to defend against DDoS attacks, and the implementation of least-privilege permissions in our Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. We have include Trivy in our pipeline for checking your container.


You will have the capability to deploy a variety of applications in your environments. Our system includes Helm, which allows you to effortlessly install various apps in your environment. This includes popular options like MySQL, Spring Boot, and even your own custom Helm Chart.


As our name suggests, we use Kubernetes (k8s) to deploy your apps. We are going to help you automate deployment, scaling, and management of your containerized applications. It is our main tool. We are going to provide you with namespaces and all our functionality. ETCD and Control Plane (CP) of Kubernetes are managed by AWS EKS.


We know your application needs to be up, because of that, we are going to deploy your production application in different clusters. We are going to apply designs to make our cluster be alive 99.99% of the time. All our critical tools are highly available, so it is going to be really extrange to have any outages. High availability is one of our big priorities.


We are including Locust for load testing tests, SonarQube for quality code, Playwright for end to end tests. You are going to be able to disable them and add other QA applications. You are going to define your tests and the pipeline is going to run them and send you the reports. You will be able to set the metrics and set when build can pass or not to the next enviorment.

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